Huny-b cbd products

We are a company that formed in order to share products that we developed for our families and loved ones. The primary focus was the treatment of pain and that is how our liniments came to be.

As we researched and experimented we saw that the combinations of CBD, Essential Oils (EO) and herbs could be used in so many ways. As a result we developed a wholesome line of  products. Check out our 3rd party testing results that is located in our FAQ’s.

We invite you to browse our site and see which product is right for you and the ones you love.


Our products combine healing herbs, essential oils, and CBD to treat skin irritations, pain, sore muscles and minor abrasions. We have found that our liniments are very effective for pain. By using the essential oils we ensure that our products have antimicrobial, antibiotic, antifungal, and some even fight viruses. See our FAQ’s  for an excellent breakdown of all our products and links to reports and abstracts that give you the information you need to decide which product is right for your skin.




The FDA, in it’s “wisdom” has severely restricted what we can say. We use it to promote the health of your skin, reduce inflammation, pain relief, and help heal your sore muscles. That is why WE use it. To understand the benefits that CBD provides check out our FAQ’s which leads to detailed abstracts and reports on the benefits of this powerful ingredient, as well as all the Herbs and Essential Oils we use.  

We know how important the CBD is to you and our products. We also are aware of human and mechanical error, that is why we strive to have 10 to 15% more CBD than what is on the label. We would rather give our customers a better product than give them anything less.


Huny B You

Womens facial line

The women of today’s world are adapting to new forms that break all molds.

4 part system that includes a Day Creme, Night Creme. Facial Serum, and an Eye & Lip Serum that is loaded with CBD, Retinol, and EO’s!

New age moms. Nurturing leaders. Powerful entrepreneurs. Community builders. At the end of every day, she belongs to herself and needs the tools to reel it all in. Huny B You is for the woman who harnesses the power of cannabinoids so she can catch her breath, stand up tall, and take flight.

By infusing CBD into the lineup, this concentrated blend of skin essential oils, moisture-rich vitamins, and organic aloe become a must-have skincare sensation.

Moisturize your face and neck with creme every morning, after you cleanse and tone. Huny-B women’s line, take the sting out of aging naturally.

Huny -B CBD Gummies

Comes in an assortment of 4 mouth-watering flavors: Watermelon, Blue Raspberry, Green Apple, and the infamous Peach!

Huny-B³ Pain Roll-On

Quick-acting long-lasting pain relief fast and easy to use on arthritic pain, surface nerve pain, insect bites, and muscle pain.

Fast Shipping

Fast shipping on all orders from USA

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We support online 24 hours a day

Quality Products

We provide a product worth buying

Our Story


Meet the Gates family. Jason, Belinda, Anna, and twins Joshua and Jonathan. We are a fun loving family living life to the fullest. Every company has a “why” and we wanted to share with you ours. Our twins have autism and born with sever development delays. Getting to this point in life has been adventurous to say the least.

Our twins are truly a miracle. The doctors told us I would never carry them long enough for them to live. But by the grace of God they made it and here we are. However, Jon has far more problems. 15 years later we needed something to help with Jon. He is non verbal and has some issues with melt downs. We found CBD oil. Both boys take it for different reasons. This was 3 years ago. We have found that taken regularly it gives them the help they need to be able to handle life.

A few years ago, my husband and boss both had back problems, dealing with major surgeries. They had no choice but to use opiates to help with the pain. I knew there had to be a better way. I studied essential oils and CBD which lead to the invention of the liniments. I have witnessed the improvement in their quality of life. Getting away from opiates has been an added blessing.

With Autism and Special Needs being a huge part of our family and company, our company goal is to get big enough to give back and help those in need. We plan to hire special needs people (one being my son) to work in our facility. We want to grow enough to give back. We know the struggle.

God Bless,

Belinda Gates

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